Guitar Lessons in Sydney, 2024

learning guitar in sydney australia

If you’re looking for guitar lessons in Sydney, I am starting up now for 2024. I teach all ages, from children to adults. Let me tell you about the main types of students that learn guitar with me.

I’ll start with the adults. Most people like to play the music they grew up on. I get some in their 40s and 50s who have a demanding job and play classic rock as an escape. For example, one guy’s a heart surgeon but loves to unwind by playing 80s rock. There’s also a real estate agent, who actually said the guitar lesson is the highlight of his week and the only time he forgets about work!

There’s one lady who started with me five years ago and now owns about six guitars. She loves it! Another one thought she was too old to learn, although she’s only in her 40s, but she proved herself wrong and is doing really well.

I also get younger adults in their 20s and 30s who often learn indie rock or acoustic. By the way, bass players are welcome too. Bass is such a great instrument to play.

As for the kids, I do some guest teaching at a primary school, and also at home. Most children that age either learn to read music from a book, or else play today’s popular songs. Whatever keeps them practicing…

There are also high school kids and playing guitar or bass is for them either a nice relief from school work, or actually part of it if they’re learning music at school. I have also tutored some uni students as part of their course work.

Whatever your level or the kind of music you like, 2024 is a great year to learn guitar or bass. So if you’re looking for guitar lessons in Sydney, it’s time to give it a try.

By the way, I’m in the eastern suburbs of Sydney, but during the Covid pandemic I started doing online guitar lessons using Zoom. So if you’re a bit further away, we can still do it. I was skeptical about online lessons at first, but it actually works pretty well. Send me a message today!